Adresa de contact
Str.Dr. Ion Ratiu Nr.5-7, Sibiu, Romania


Curriculum Vitae
Lista de lucrari


Discipline de curs curente
  • Metode numerice
  • Funcţii spline şi aplicaţii
  • Programarea aplicaţiilor cu Microsoft Visual Studio C#
  • Optimizare neliniară
  • Dezvoltarea sistemelor informatice cu SQL Server şi Oracle
Afiliere la organizații profesionale / științifice

Publicații reprezentative

Titlu publicațieLink publicație
Adrian Nicoale Branga, Advanced numerical computation (in Romanian), Lucian Blaga University Publishing House, Sibiu, ISBN 978-606-12-0917-0, 200 pg, 2014
Adrian Nicoale Branga, Numerical methods (in Romanian), vol. 1, Alma Mater Publishing House, Sibiu, ISBN 978 973-632-793-3, ISBN vol. 978-973-632-794-0, 202 pg, 2013
Adrian Nicoale Branga, Approximation and optimization by spline functions (in Romanian), Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, ISBN 978-973-133-550-6, 350 pg, 2009.
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Silviu Crăciunaş, Nicolae Secelean, Functional analysis and approximation theory (in Romanian), Casa Cărţii de Ştiinţă Publishing House, Cluj-Napoca, ISBN 978-973-133-545-2, 303 pg, 2009.
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Alina Totoi, Numerical methods. Seminar lecture notes and practical laboratory work (in Romanian), Techno Media Publishing House, Sibiu, ISBN 978-606-616-384-2, 202 pg, 2020.
Amelia Bucur, Adrian Nicolae Branga, Theory and applications of numerical approximation techniques, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, ISBN (10): 1-5275-9383-5, ISBN (13): 978-1-5275-9383-1, 246 pg, 2024.
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Dana Simian, The Radon transform and applications (in Romanian), Transilvania University Publishing House, Braşov, Romania, ISBN 973-635-338-9, 121 pg, 2004.
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Programming problems (in Romanian), Lucian Blaga University Publishing House, Sibiu, Romania, ISBN 973-651-020- 4, 376 pg, 1999.
Emil Marin Popa, Adrian Nicolae Branga, The C/C++ programming language: theory and programs (in Romanian), Lucian Blaga University Publishing House, Sibiu, Romania, ISBN 973-95604-1-4, 260 pg, 1997.
Alexandru Lupaş, Florin Sofonea, Adrian Nicolae Branga, Numerical analysis: algorithms and problems (in Romanian), Lucian Blaga University Publishing House, Sibiu, Romania, ISBN 973-9280-39-0, 142 pg, 1997.
Abdelkader Belhenniche, Amelia Bucur, Liliana Guran, Adrian Nicolae Branga, Using computational techniques of fixed point theory for studying the stationary infinite horizon problem from the financial field, AIMS Mathematics, ISSN 2473-6988, vol. 9, no. 1, pp 2369-2388, 2024. (Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science Core Collection - Science Citation Index Expanded)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Ion Marian Olaru, Generalized perturbed contractions with related fixed point results, Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, ISSN 1584-2851, vol. 39, no. 3, pp 633–640, 2023. (Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science Core Collection - Science Citation Index Expanded)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Ion Marian Olaru, Generalized contractions and fixed point results in spaces with altering metrics, Mathematics, ISSN 2227-7390, vol. 10, no. 21, art. 4083, pp 1-13, 2022. (Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science Core Collection - Science Citation Index Expanded)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Ion Marian Olaru, Some fixed point results in spaces with perturbed metrics, Carpathian Journal of Mathematics, ISSN 1584-2851, vol. 38, no. 3, pp 641–654, 2022. (Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science Core Collection - Science Citation Index Expanded)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Some conditions for the existence and uniqueness of monotonic and positive solutions for nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations, Electronic Research Archive, ISSN 2688-1594, vol. 30, no. 6, pp 1999 - 2017, 2022. (Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science Core Collection - Science Citation Index Expanded)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Fixed point results for F-contractions in cone metric spaces over topological modules and applications to integral equations, Fractal and Fractional, ISSN 2504-3110, vol. 6, no. 1, art. 16, pp 1-14, 2022. (Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science Core Collection - Science Citation Index Expanded)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Ion Marian Olaru, An application of the fixed point theory to the study of monotonic solutions for systems of differential equations, Mathematics, ISSN 2227-7390, vol. 8, no. 7, art. 1183, pp 1-8, 2020. (Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science Core Collection - Science Citation Index Expanded)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Ion Marian Olaru, Cone metric spaces over topological modules and fixed point theorems for Lipschitz mappings, Mathematics, ISSN 2227-7390, vol. 8, no. 5, art. 724, pp 1-14, 2020. (Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science Core Collection - Science Citation Index Expanded)
Ion Marian Olaru, Adrian Nicolae Branga, Some fixed point results in D*-quasimetric spaces, Journal of Fixed Point Theory and Applications, ISSN 1661-7738, vol. 20, no. 2, art. 78, pp 1-10, 2018. (Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science Core Collection - Science Citation Index Expanded)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Eugen Constantinescu, On a property of the spline functions, Journal of Science and Arts, ISSN 1844-9581, vol. 11, no. 4 (17), pp 413-416, 2011. (Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science Core Collection - Emerging Sources Citation Index)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Mugur Acu, A remarkable equality referring to spline functions in Hilbert spaces, Filomat, ISSN 0354-5180, vol. 24, no. 4, pp 121-127, 2010. (Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science Core Collection - Science Citation Index Expanded)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Natural splines of Birkhoff type and optimal approximation, Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications, ISSN 1521-1398, vol. 7, no. 1, pp 81-88, 2005. (Clarivate Analytics - Web of Science Core Collection - Science Citation Index Expanded)
Andra-Maria Stoica, Adrian Nicolae Branga, Ioan Popa, An inequality for the intermediate point in Lagrange’s theorem, using quadrature formulas, European Journal of Theoretical and Applied Sciences, ISSN 2786-7447, vol. 1, no. 6, pp 269-274, 2023. (IDB: Google Scholar, Zenodo, OpenAIRE, ISSUU,, Scribd, Europub, Scilit, Semantic Scholar, Dimensions,, Core, WorldCat, Base - Bielefeld University Library, Hollis - Harvard Library)
Eugen Constantinescu, Adrian Nicolae Branga, Applications of the improved Fejer’s sum, General Mathematics, ISSN 1221-5023, vol. 20, no. 5, pp 31–36, 2012. (IDB: Zentralblatt Math)
Ion Marian Olaru, Adrian Nicolae Branga, Anca Oprea, Common fixed point results in b-cone metric spaces over topological vector spaces, General Mathematics, ISSN 1221-5023, vol. 20, no. 1, pp 57–67, 2012. (IDB: Zentralblatt Math)
Ion Marian Olaru, Adrian Nicolae Branga, Common fixed point results in b-K-metric spaces, General Mathematics, ISSN 1221-5023, vol. 19, no. 4, pp 51-59, 2011. (IDB: Zentralblatt Math)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, A generalization of some classical quadrature formulas, General Mathematics, ISSN 1221- 5023, vol. 18, no. 1, pp 19-23, 2010. (IDB: Zentralblatt Math)
Mugur Acu, Adrian Nicolae Branga, Daniel Breaz, Nicoleta Breaz, Eugen Constantinescu, Alina Totoi, On some integral operators on analytic functions, General Mathematics, ISSN 1221-5023, vol. 17, no. 4, pp 205-210, 2009. (IDB: Zentralblatt Math)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, A structural theorem of the generalized spline functions, General Mathematics, ISSN 1221- 5023, vol. 17, no. 2, pp 135-143, 2009. (IDB: Zentralblatt Math)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, A best approximation property of the generalized spline functions, General Mathematics, ISSN 1221-5023, vol. 16, no. 4, pp 25-33, 2008. (IDB: Zentralblatt Math)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Development in series of orthogonal polynomials with applications in optimization, General Mathematics, ISSN 1221-5023, vol. 15, no. 1, pp 101-110, 2007. (IDB: Zentralblatt Math)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Spline functions with applications to optimal approximation, General Mathematics, ISSN 1221-5023, vol. 14, no. 4, pp 135-146, 2006. (IDB: Zentralblatt Math)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Optimal approximation of linear functionals using natural splines of Hermite type, Buletinul Ştiinţific al Universităţii Politehnica din Timişoara, seria Matematică- Fizică, ISSN 1224-6069, pp. 23-30, 1999. (IDB: Zentralblatt Math)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, On Hermite interpolation formula, General Mathematics, ISSN 1221-5023, vol. 6, pp 11-15, 1998. (IDB: Zentralblatt Math)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, A fundamental property of B-splines, General Mathematics, ISSN 1221-5023, vol. 4, pp 33- 39, 1996. (IDB: Zentralblatt Math)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, A property of divided differences with multiple nodes, General Mathematics, ISSN 1221- 5023, vol. 4, pp 21-32, 1996. (IDB: Zentralblatt Math)
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Some properties of interpolating polynomials, General Mathematics, ISSN 1221-5023, vol. 3, no. 1-2, pp 29-40, 1995. (IDB: Zentralblatt Math)
Adrian Nicoale Branga, A sufficient condition for univalence, General Mathematics, ISSN 1221-5023, vol. 2, no. 3, pp 145-150, 1994. (IDB: Zentralblatt Math)
Eugen Constantinescu, Adrian Nicolae Branga, Solving a certain extremal problem with polynomials, Proceedings of „The Thirteenth International Conference on Mathematics and its Applications – ICMA 2012” (Eds: I. Cuculescu, J. Jarić, P. Găvruţa, I. Goleţ, L. Cădariu), Politehnica University Publishing House, Timişoara, ISSN 1224-6069, pp 77-82, 2013.
Adrian Nicolae Branga, A necessary and sufficient condition for characterization of spline functions, Proceedings of „The Fifth International Conference on Dynamical Systems and Applications”, Ovidius University Publishing House, Constanţa, ISSN 1584-5990, pp 231-236, 2009.
Adrian Nicolae Branga, An inequality for generalized spline functions, Proceedings of „The Fifth International Symposium on Mathematical Inequalities” (Eds: E. C. Popa, D. Acu, A. M. Acu, F. Sofonea), Lucian Blaga University Publishing House, Sibiu, ISBN 978-973-739-740-9, pp 33-39, 2008.
Adrian Nicolae Branga, A new property of B-spline functions, Mathematical Analysis and Approximation Theory, Proceedings of „The Fifth Romanian-German Seminar on Approximation Theory and its Applications” (Eds: Al. Lupaş, H. Gonska, L. Lupaş), Burg Publishing House, Sibiu, ISBN 973-85647-4-3, pp 45-50, 2002.
Adrian Nicolae Branga, Natural splines and optimal approximation, Schriftenreihe des Fachbereichs Mathematik der Gerhard-Mercator Universität, Proceedings of „The Fourth Romanian-German Seminar on Approximation Theory and its Applications” (Eds: H. Gonska, D. Kacsó, L. Beutel), Gerhard-Mercator University Publishing House, Duisburg, SM-DU- 485, pp 26-33, 2000.
Adrian Nicolae Branga, An optimal property of the Chebyshev polynomials, Proceedings of „The Seventh Symposium of Mathematics and its Applications” (Eds: N. Boja), Politehnica University Publishing House, Timişoara, ISSN 1224- 6069, pp 61-66, 1997.

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