Adresa de contact
Str. Lucian Blaga, nr 2A, etaj 3, sala Centrului pentru Cercetări Sociale, Sibiu


Curriculum Vitae
Lista de lucrari


Discipline de curs curente
  • Psihologie socială
  • Teorii sociologice contemporane
  • Teorii organizaţionale
  • Istoria gândirii sociale
  • Sociologia corpului
  • Formarea echipei şi dinamica grupului
Centre de cercetare
Afiliere la organizații profesionale / științifice
  • European Sociological Association
  • Memory Studies Association
  • Society for Romanian Studies
  • Societatea Sociologilor din România

Publicații reprezentative

Titlu publicațieLink publicație
Rusu, M. S. (2018). Theorising Love in Sociological Thought: Classical Contributions to a Sociology of Love. Journal of Classical Sociology, 18(1), pp. 3–20
Rusu, M. S. (2017). Transitional Politics of Memory: Political Strategies of Managing the Past in Post-Communist Romania. Europe-Asia Studies, 69(8), pp. 1257–1279
Rusu, M. S. (2020). Nations in Black: Charting the National Thanatopolitics of Mourning across European Countries. European Societies, 22(1), pp. 122–148
Rusu, M. S. (2020). Political Patterning of Urban Namescapes and Post-socialist Toponymic Change: A Quantitative Analysis of Three Romanian Cities. Cities: The International Journal of Urban Policy and Planning, 103, 102773, pp. 1–12
Rusu, M. S. (2021). Staging Death: Christofascist Necropolitics during the National Legionary State in Romania, 1940–1941. Nationalities Papers: The Journal of Nationalism and Ethnicity, 49(3), pp. 576-589

Granturi reprezentative

Denumire grantLink grant
Names, Places, and Identities: The Nominal Order and Toponymic Regime of Post-Socialist Romania
The Politics of Street (Re-)Naming Practices: Symbolic Geographies and Identity Landscapes in Postsocialist Romania
The Sacralisation of Politics within the Iron Guard’s Ideology of Thanatic Ultra-Nationalism

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